Sunday, July 27, 2008

She Did IT!!!!

Call it accident, call it on purpose....Andy & I had her on the floor in our room & she was on her belly. One second she was on her belly, the next she pushed off of her left side & rolled on her back!! Wahoo---progress! I can't wait to try it again! I think it had something to do with Aunt Tiffany & Grandma Marin visiting this weekend! Maybe the cola flavored icee grandma gave her....

Monday, July 21, 2008


As it comes to an end...I sit here & think, where did it go? I already feel like these past 4 months have flown by...not the NIGHTS but the overall time. She has changed our lives for the better but there are still momments that I stare & think, why can't you speak english??? The crying, it's hard to interprut- ya know?! But without Riley, Lord knows what Andy & I would be doing...we now are professional diaper changers, bottle makers, yak warriors, but mostly, we are SUPER mom & Super DAD!

What a Big Girl!!!