Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things have been going well- Riley has gotten her 1st tooth, pulling up, playing dress up, and getting adjusted to daycare. This past week, 4 of the 5 days that I picked her up she was just happy as can be. Andy & I are really enjoying her! She's just becoming more of a hoot! 

7 Months OLD!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

So Much Has Happened...time to catch you up

Let's see... so in the last month & a half, Riley has started daycare, gotten the hang of sitting up by herself, mastered the art of spitting and even began grunting as loud as she can. Not the poop grunt, the I can't wait to be moving grunt! It's kind of like she's frustrated that she can't walk yet. She can also turn in her walker to the right, left, forward, backwards & loves to run into the dog bowl. She backs up and rams it- seriously! Also, RIley has started slapping with her hands, reaching for the spoon when you feed her & when you are in her space. No crawling yet but she can rock back & forth pretty good. All is well with her. Mommy has had a hard time with this daycare thing... but I am trying to get used to it. Oh and she loves to pull up when she's on your lap! The doctor said that her development is GREAT & that we will need to stay one step ahead of her... is that the doc way of saying she's gonna give us a run for our money? I think we kinda already have known that!!!! I will add pics soon! Love ya'll

Her First Hurricane

So we made it through her first hurricane but not without some fuss. Hurricane IKE came thru last Friday & we hunkered down for the 90 mph winds with Riley, 3 dogs (one was randomly left in our backyard) a cat & NO AIR CONDITIONING. Lets just say, it was not much fun. After 5 days no electricity, we got it back....but meanwhile, we stayed with GiGi for a couple of nights & Riley slept in her pack & play. Ever since IKE, she was off schedule & waking up screaming in the middle of the night. We haven't been able to get her back on track yet. Finally, yesterday we went to get her 6month shots & Dr. Romero discovered her 1st tooth broke the surface. Her bottom left one is out....okay, now we know what is going on with this fisty little fart! She had been grunting, crying & mouthing so much more then usual. It's teething!!! Oficially, she is a carnivore :) Our fence, computer & washing machine all took a hit during IKE so we are off to go get a computer today and I promise I will do a better job of updating the blog. Oh & ps...Dr. Romero said Riley is in 97th percentile fo babies her age in ht. meaning her 28" tall is the size of the avg. 9-10 month old......woop! And 18lbs. 9oz. GO GIRL!!!!